Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





Hondelange, ancienne commune
HOME    Search - our current inventory of data input for this entity
documentsPeriod Status yearAssociate
4563Births1796-1912Data input finished in 2018 by Jeanne THILL
727Marriages1840-1912Data input finished in 2018 by Josette TOMPERS
0Deaths1850-1912Current data input since 2023 by Robert HESS
current inventory    parish registers    censuses    finished data entries    current data entries    data entries expected shortly    documents available for data entries

Clochers&Chapelles en Wallonie
Kierchtuermspromenaden mam Tessy Glodt

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1800 Birth Catherine New (
1838 Biver Jeannette Death (
1850 Death New Dominique (
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