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luxroots.club, Luxembourg Genealogy and local history research association
a nonprofit association
in short luxroots.club asbl
7, rue Jos Felten, L-1508 Howald
founded on June 16th, 2014 by Georges EICHER, Paulette GRUN-BESCH, Armand SERRES and Alphonse WILTGEN
and registered on June 18th, 2014 with
RCSL under reference: F9999 L140100963.03

Our place for meetings:
Centre Nicolas BRAUN, 468-472, rte de Thionville, Hesperange (près de la Mairie)

This association of genealogy and local history aims to:Articles of the association luxroots.club asbl (in French)
Memorial C

The annual membership fee amounts to 20 euros. Associates of the luxroots projects, luxroots.com subscribers as well as the contributors of www.igenealogy.lu are automatically members of the association without additional expense unless they renounce to be a member of the new association.
Thus, luxroots.club asbl is the largest genealogical society of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Obvious benefits for members for this minimal contribution are:
Get also a look at the page of the luxroots.com subscription (membership fee included in the subscription fee).

Please make your payment, after registration,
by eurotransfert
to luxroots.com asbl L-1508 Howald
account LU98 0019 4355 5840 3000 with BCEELULL (Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg)
under reference: luxroots.com - and your NUMBERid.
(the delay for a transfer from bank to bank can be up to 5 working days)

The Board of Directors:
President : Georges EICHER (2023-)
Vice-president : Armand SERRES (2014-)
general secretary : Georges EICHER (2014-)
Members : Mariette BORSCHETTE-BISSEN (2023-), Paulette GRUN-BESCH (2014-), Jean-Paul MOURIS (2023-)
former president: Alphonse WILTGEN (2014-2023)
former member: Fernand HERMES (2014-2023)

Cash reviewers: Hortense BOHLER-HAAS, Christiane KRIER-PETERS

The founding members of luxroots.club asbl signed an agreement on June 16, 2014 with the founding members of
luxroots.com asbl and approved the contents of this agreement.

Reports of the board of directors are only visible to members of the luxroots.club association.

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