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Newsletter July 2014
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Working together on genealogy for the future, that is the motto of the luxroots group
This makes us one of the most successful providers of Luxembourgish genealogical data.
luxroots.com - roots.lu - igenealogy.lu - luxbooks.lu - Web Projects by eicher.lu
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The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.

luxroots.club asbl
your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Dear visitors of our websites

900.000 records, analyzed and entered in our database.
Imagine the work invested to analyze a document and enter their details, 5, 6, or 10 minutes or more for a record of birth / baptism, marriage or death.
Congratulations to our associates for this extraordinary and volunteer work; working together makes possible to achieve a great goal!
If you do not yet support our projects, do it now!

As announced in our last newsletter, the luxroots Genealogy group founded the genealogy club luxroots.club asbl on June 16th. The contribution of 8 euros covers a period of one year starting from the date of payment. luxroots.com-associates, luxroots.com-subscribers and igenealogy.lu-contributors are automatically members of this new association. If you are not yet a member, join luxroots.club asbl now. Under this link, you will find information about this association.
We hope to introduce the luxroots.club asbl events calendar soon, with events starting in September.
With approximately 500 members, luxroots.club asbl is the largest genealogical society of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

A second association was founded under the name luxroots.com asbl to manage our projects and our websites. The founding members of the two associations have signed a
collaboration agreement.

With your registration, you have given us personal data that allow you to use our websites. These data will not be used for any other purposes. The law also requires us to file a list of our luxroots.club asbl members annually indicating the full name, address and nationality with the RCSL. In order to have the correct data, we modified the forms to register to our projects and websites as well as for modifying your personal data. After logging into luxroots.com, the page that opens will show your personal data stored in our files and allows you to update your information.
If you want to end your association with the projects and websites of the luxroots group, please anonymize your personal data by clicking Update your user profile.
With the same transaction, you can subscribe or unsubscribe to our newsletter or renounce to be a member of luxroots.club asbl.
Here you can also put the contacts for research to YES which enables you to do a search on a lastname and thus find luxroots friends doing the same job. This will allow you to contact them for an exchange of information.

We require your help to find the dates and places of death of people born in Luxembourg and in the border region, and who later emigrated to other countries. For these people, it is almost not possible we have here this information. If you have such missing information, click on the link add death information (on each card) and enter the missing data. We thank you and we will add 2 points to your
myluxroots points counter.

You do not know luxroots and their projects,
then visit our information booth
Sunday, June 28th from 10am to 5pm at the 6th Lënster Bicher Bazar in Junglinster (Centre polyvalent Gaston STEIN)

Genealogy has never been easier than today
a presentation on genealogy in general and the luxroots project particulary
in Bech on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 3pm organized by Amiperas Bech

During the month of June 2014, the luxroots.com associates finished the following data input:
233 births 1798-1823 of the former township of
Brachtenbach by Georges EICHER
3,654 births 1797-1894 of the township of
Contern by Myriam PULTZ
4,361 births 1797-1923 of the township of
Dippach by Josée and Richard OSTER-RASQUIN
1,729 births 1850-1859 of the former township of
Eich by Marilyn FÜRST
1,341 births 1895-1923 of the township of
Kehlen by Roger WAGNER
980 births 1895-1923 of the township of
Kopstal by Georges EICHER
911 baptisms 1740-1797 of the parish of
Rosport by Ramona and Marcel LINCK-GAMBUCCI
44 marriages 1800-1823 of the former township of
Brachtenbach par Georges EICHER
129 marriages 1799-1823 of the former township of
Ospern by Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
936 death records 1870-1923 of the township of
Berdorf par Myriam WEIS-ZIEWERS
519 deaths record 1870-1923 of the township of
Consthum by Agnès SERRES-HEINEN.
Which associate is currently working on what ?

A new associate Jean-Paul GASPERINI, Dudelange has joined our team with the input of births of Frisange.

igenealogy.lu now holds 74 genealogies with 178,000 people.

Acts of notaries
Now 6,140 indexed records.For this project, we are looking for further associates to advance this interesting and useful project.
Contact us !

The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities. Therefore, we invite you to send us any inconsistency found by clicking the Q link on sheets for each act entered. For any error found, we'll reward 15 myluxroots points.

Contact other luxroots users in order to work together on a common family name. 2,000 luxroots users have already given their consent.

Few interesting links
Interview radio 100,7 (in Luxemburgish) with Jean-Claude MULLER, President of the ALGH (direct link)
the website Mémoire des Hommes and especially the searches in the lists
Hôtel des Invalides à Paris, from 1673 to 1796
US-emigration: Castle Garden 1820-1913 and Ellis Island 1892-1954

p.s. our next newsletter will be sent on Thursday, July 31st, 2014.

keeping the past alive, with luxroots
Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots - Your partner in genealogy for Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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