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Newsletter November 2014
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Working together on genealogy for the future, that is the motto of the luxroots group
This makes us one of the most successful providers of Luxembourgish genealogical data.
luxroots.com - roots.lu - igenealogy.lu - luxbooks.lu - Web Projects by eicher.lu
myluxroots - FAQ - our subscriptions - our associates - Statistiques - luxroots CHARITY
our Newsletters - luxroots on facebook - Twitter and myWort - Contacts for Research - our calendar - our flashback
The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.

luxroots.club asbl - your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Dear friends and visitors of our websites

You like genealogy, you have recently started or you have been looking for your ancestors for several years. You want more information about genealogy in general or about your ancestors in particular. In these cases the exhibitioners of the 'Genealogy on the Greater Region' day, held on Sunday, November 9th from 10am to 5pm at the Centre Civique in Hesperange (Luxembourg), may be able to help you.
See you at the international meeting of researchers and family genealogists which takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the township of Hesperange. Admission is free.
Genealogy associations of Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg are happy to help you in your genealogical research. The author of the genealogy program
Gen_Plus is also there with an information desk. (documentation in German, program in multiple languages)
As part of our 10th anniversary, we will send to each registered visitor and recipient of our newsletter a voucher* for 1.000
myluxroots points (worth 10 euros).
Apart from the genealogical exhibition, there is also a small restaurant and a daily special:
Assiette de jambon cru et cuit de la région, salade – 10€
Book the menu until November 3rd, 2014:
info@luxroots.com or by phone 2799 4713
A birthday appetizer will be offered by luxroots between 11.30 and 13.30

* This voucher must be remitted to the luxroots information booth at the respective event. In exchange, you get a free PDF document or a discount on the mentioned amount of points. The documents for a special family name include in chronological order details of baptisms / births of persons with this name and registered in the luxroots database.
Check the
list of available names as well as specimen list (the STEINFORT family name)

Today, the luxroots group hosts the largest genealogical database of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
On September 30th, 2014, luxroots.club asbl, the club of the group, counts 637 members and thus becomes the main genealogical society of the Grand Duchy. Check the report of the general meeting dated October 9th, 2014
with this link.
luxroots.com asbl has presented its annual report to the associates during their
meeting on October 17th, 2014.
Support our projects with a subscription if you do not already do so!

Our review on genealogical books
We are often asked why we do not publish a genealogical family book for a given township and/or parish. Well, for this question we can give the following answers:
  • The result of our voluntary work must be available to the population of the Grand Duchy, but it should also help the descendants of ancestors emigrated to foreign countries in their search. But, here the shipping fee for a book are too expensive
  • Ecologically, it is better to offer genealogical data in a digital format than on paper
  • It is easier for researchers to find the information in a single medium instead of having to check hundred books he needs to acquire before beginning
  • a family book of township and/or parish that is not based on all records of the region or the whole country is never complete and therefore incorrect
  • a missing or erroneous information in a book will stay forever while a fault on a website can be rectified immediately. For this reason, we will launch the website erratum.lu so you can enter incorrect or missing information soon. The visitor can then get a printed sheet Erratum to join the book in question
  • Once we have completed the analysis and capture of details of all records (~2025), we expect to produce, with public and private help, the paper edition of family books for each township and/or parish of the project area for reasons of backup.

If you do not yet know it, Familysearch.org shows - free of charge for family researchers -
all records of the Civil Registers (1796-1923) from Luxembourg, from Belgium and other countries.
luxroots makes available to its associates the pictures of the records of a certain township/parish free of charge which he plans to analyze and enter the details in the luxroots-database.
Do not hesitate to participate in this great puzzle of genealogy of Luxembourg by analyzing and capturing the details of the records of your preferred township or parish. We are looking for people entering births in the cantons of Capellen, Grevenmacher, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and Remich as well as for the Belgian and German border regions.
In addition, some 200,000 baptisms are waiting to be deciphered to enter details of these records. If you know Latin, we need you!
Contact us!

During the month of October 2014, the luxroots.com associates finished the following data input:
2.640 births 1797-1849 of the former township of
Hollerich by Jean-Claude LAHYR
760 births 1666-1794 of the parish of
Noertzange by Chantal WEBER-BECKER
1,385 death records 1870-1923 of the township of
Manternach by Nico WEIS
740 death records 1870-1923 of the township of
Vichten by Mariette BORSCHETTE-BISSEN
933 death records 1870-1923 of the former township of
Wilwerwiltz by Agnès SERRES-HEINEN
Which associate is currently working on what ?

igenealogy.lu, we added the file of Joël SCHMIT with 3,844 people. This database now holds 75 genealogies with 185,000 people.

We thank the editorial myWort of the
Luxemburger Wort for the article on our luxroots project (in German) which you find with this link.

luxroots information booth and reports on genealogy and the luxroots projects
Genealogy in the Greater Region
International Meeting of genealogy and family researchers
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the township of Hesperange
on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 from 10am to 5pm in Hesperange
A voucher* with a value of 1,000 myluxroots points (10 euros) will be applicable.
At this occasion, a birthday appetizer will be offered by luxroots between 11am30 to 1pm30

Walfer Bicherdeeg
in Walferdange from November 14th to 16th, 2014
Friday from 6 to 10pm, Saturday from 10:30am to 6pm and Sunday from 10am to 6pm
A voucher* with a value of myluxroots points (3 euros) will be offered.

5e Rencontre des Cercles Historiques de la Province de Luxembourg et Lorraine Gaumaise
in Virton, Caves de l Hôtel de Ville on the weekend of November 22-23th, 2014
from 10am to 5pm

Genealogy has never been easier than today
a conference (in Luxembourgish) with presentation (in French)
in Howald, Thursday, November 27th, 2014 at 7pm
Primary School, Howald)

Bourses aux Livres et aux Vieux Papiers
at Centre de Loisirs Am Sand Niederanven
Saturday, December 6th, 2014 from 11am to 4pm

at Centre Polyvalent Gaston Stein in Junglinster
Sunday, December 7th, 2014 from 10am to 5pm

Day of Genealogy and local History in the Dreiländereck (Belgium-Germany-Luxembourg)
at the ClubHaus Op der Heed in Hupperdange (Clervaux) on January 17th, 2015 from 10am to 4 pm
A voucher* with a value of myluxroots points (3 euros) will be offered.

Donate myluxroots points to luxroots CHARITY
and help us to support various actions of charity organizations.

law on Luxembourg nationality, entered into force on 1 January 2009,
allows the Re-Acquisition of the Luxembourg Nationality. Read our
article about this law!

Your questions, our answers
More suggestions, questions, and criticism.

our current inventory

Participate at our Genealogy Quiz

Your application to generate PDF documents with luxroots data

Luxembourgers, soldiers of France 1792-1815

www.roots.lu, the website with details of records of the 17th and 18th centuries
Save your genealogy research free of charge to

Our library
luxbooks.lu, the virtual marketplace for luxemburgensia, Genealogy, Local History,
books offered for sale or looked for buy our users

p.s. our next newsletter will be sent on Friday, November 28th, 2014.

keeping the past alive, with luxroots
Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots - Your partner in genealogy for Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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