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Quick News 2015/02
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Working together on genealogy for the future, that is the motto of the luxroots group
This makes us one of the most successful providers of Luxembourgish genealogical data.
luxroots.com - roots.lu - igenealogy.lu - luxbooks.lu - Web Projects by eicher.lu
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The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.

luxroots.club asbl - your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Dear vistors of our websites

Good news should be passed as soon as possible to interested people, particularly in this case, to family researchers in Luxembourg and to descendants of ancestors emigrated abroad, anywhere in the world. Indeed, FamilySearch.org just put online as of January 9th, 2015 some 270,000 pictures of records of parishes of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg most dating from before 1800. This is naturally a great source of information that you find at this link.

With this message we want to also remember the
Day of Genealogy and local History
in the Dreiländereck (Belgium-Germany-Luxembourg)

at the ClubHaus Op der Heed in Hupperdange (Clervaux) on January 17th, 2015 from 10am to 4 pm
Individual information is available during the whole day.
You can also assist free of charges to the conferences (in German):
10.30 First steps in genealogy with Edgar MICHAELIS (ZVS)
14.00 Genealogy with the Internet with Edgar MICHAELIS and Georges EICHER (luxroots)
Please confirm your presence at these conferences on phone 998 236 or by mail to

If you want to eat there (pea soup, free aperitif),
then report this until January 12th by phone 998236 or by mail to

The owner of an annual subscription is entitled to a voucher with a value of 500 myluxroots points (5 euros)
for purchasing one of our products with a maximum of 50%.

IMPORTANT NOTICE concerning our myluxroots application suite:
At the request of many subscribers, our myluxroots applications were modified in order that persons born in 1850 until today can be entered by our subscribers.
Since the births 1800-1923 of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (and border regions) have been entered or will be entered in a short time by our associates, please limit your entries to persons born abroad or in Luxembourg after 1923.
We suggest to use the
Add a child of a couple transaction in order that a pedigree chart can be produced immediately for that child.

keeping the past alive, with luxroots
Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots - Your partner in genealogy for Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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