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Newsletter August 2015
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Working together on genealogy for the future

Your genealogy website for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
and for the neighboring regions in Belgium and Germany

Our August-Newsletter with the following topics:
- Soon, one million people in luxroots database
- The Luxembourg Nationality
- Our myluxroots suite
- Pedigree Charts up to 9 generations by luxroots
- professeur de grand-mère ou de grammaire?
- Genealogy Days of Luxembourg and the Greater Region
- luxroots, ready to meet its visitors
- MoonLight Walking in Rodershausen (Hosingen)
- Be a luxroots associate!
- Finished data input during the month of July 2015
- Need help?
Dear subscribers, dear visitors of our websites, dear friends

Because of the holidays, you are receiving this newsletter a week ahead of schedule. Our associates continue their analysis of acts and entry details and we await the details of the millionth entry towards the end of July 2015. It is unique in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to find so many people in a single database.

Flag of LuxembourgThe
new law on Luxembourg nationality entered into force on 1 January 2009.
2. Case of a person with a grandparent who had Luxembourg nationality by origin (article 29)
The law of 23 October 2008 on Luxembourg nationality has introduced a new case of re-acquisition, the application of which is limited in time.
A person can re-acquire Luxembourg nationality provided:
- he or she has a male or female ancestor, who possessed Luxembourg nationality on the date of 1 January 1900; and
- he or she is the descendant in a paternal or maternal line of said grandparent.
The interested party can trace back each generation in the paternal or maternal line to establish whether he or she is the descendant of a Luxembourg grandparent on the date of 1 January 1900.
The declaration of re-acquisition must be made before a civil registrar by 31 December 2018 at the latest.
The conditions to be met, the required documents, the procedure to be followed and the appeal procedures are identical to those foreseen in the above-mentioned case of re-acquisition.
One additional document is required, namely a certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice, Office in Charge of Luxembourg Nationality (Service de l?indigénat) testifying that the claimant had a grandparent of Luxembourg nationality on the date of 1 January 1900, of whom he or she is a descendant in a paternal or maternal line.
more about

Looking for your ancestors to establish a pedigree chart without having to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars or euros? Then, nothing simpler, register with luxroots.com, take a subscription and login!
myluxroots transactions, and especially the transaction Add a child of a couple allow you to enter your recent family by connecting to the ancestors already entered by one of our associates! This done, we help you to complete your pedigree chart for ancestors born and married in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg after 1800. In addition, we will reward this collaboration with myluxroots points namely:
    60 points for adding a child to a couple
    50 points for uploading a picture
    30 points for adding a person
    15 points for adding a link to documents
    10 points for adding a text (marriage data, ...)
    5 points for adding death data
    3 points for adding studies, jobs, functions, addresses
On the record of the entered person, you find a button 'Pedigree Chart' which enables you to display this chart. Check also the last 30 uploaded pictures added by our subscribers!

A pedigree chart up to 9 generations can be established for a child born after 1999, until 8 generations for young people born after 1975, until 7 generations for people born after 1949, 6 generations for people born after 1923, otherwise until 4 generations. These people were usually entered by a subscriber using the myluxroots transactions. Check this with our demo videos.

As you may know, births, marriages and deaths are always established in two separate forms of which one is kept in the township and the other goes to the court of justice. Most of these documents established before 1920 were written by hand with discrepancies resulting from copying or dictation of the second copy.
Thus we find the
birth of Michel Joseph SARRAUDIE (of the copy filed with the Court of Justice) that his father has as profession: professeur de grandmère générale aux écolles centrales de ce département. To better understand this profession (grand-mère means grand-mother), Jean ENSCH suggested contacting the archives of the City of Luxembourg to check this profession on their form. Mrs BANGE, curator of the Municipal Archives of the City of Luxembourg, informed us that the profession is entered there is professeur de grammaire général .... So this here is a misunderstanding, probably an inexperienced writer who just wrote how he heard it, without putting importance on the profession: grand-mère (grandmother) instead of grammaire (grammar). Such misunderstanding has already been reported in our February 2011 Newsletter.

We invite you to participate in a
night walk in Rodershausen (Hosingen) on August 1st, 2015 up from 7:30pm organized by the Committee of Sports, Culture and Youth of the township Hosingen Park. Meet at the cultural center in Rodershausen.

Our next meetings with the visitors of our websites will restart the weekend of September 19 to 20, 2015 with our presence at the book festival in the castle of Vianden (even with free entry for a visit to the castle) and the book market in Differdange. A monthly luxroots meeting is scheduled on August 27th, 2015 at 7:15pm hours at the
Centre Nicolas BRAUN, 468-472, rte de Thionville Hesperange (near City Hall). The meeting of July has been canceled!

At these meetings, our associates are happy to present you the luxroots.com project and our other websites igenealogy.lu and roots.lu.
We present you our
myluxroots applications for adding your recent family members in our database by connecting them to the ancestors already entered. This allows you to instantly create pedigree tables and descendant's lists.
Wherever possible, our partners help you at these meetings in your own research, or we invite you to contact us via our Helpdesk (
luxroots.com/hd) to ask questions.
Visit us to learn more about the largest genealogical project of Luxembourg and neighboring areas! We thank you in advance for your presence.

During the month of July 2015, the luxroots.com associates finished the following data input:
1,827 births 1797-1838 of the township of
Dalheim by Georges EICHER
7,775 births 1895-1909 of the City of
Luxembourg by Paulette GRUN-BESCH
1,246 births 1870-1923 of the township of
Stadtbredimus by Marilyn FÜRST
888 baptisms 1608-1699 de la paroisse de
Useldange by Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
434 marriages 1900-1923 of the township of
Bettembourg by Chantal WEBER-BECKER
1,112 marriages 1840-1849 of the City of
/Display.php?pagename=Page149>Luxembourg by Myriam WEIS-ZIEWERS
117 marriages 1797-1839 of the former township of
Neunhausen by Ferd KOEUNE
34 marriages 1797-1823 of the former township of
Rindschleiden by Ferd KOEUNE
Which associate is currently working on what ?

igenealogy.lu, we added the file of Boog HIGHBERGER with 7,632 people. This database now holds 80 trees with 204,000 people.

luxroots is the genealogical association in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg whose associates do not work on personal databases, but enter data online directly to the luxroots-database. That's why working together makes us so powerful. Provided that you are able to analyze records of civil registers or even of parish registers, and you want to be part of a dynamic team of volunteers as part of the cross-border and non-profit project, please contact us!
You do not need to go to townships or to archives. luxroots makes available to its associates the pictures of the records of a certain township/parish free of charge which they plan to analyze and enter the details in the luxroots-database.
Do not hesitate to participate in this great puzzle of genealogy of Luxembourg by analyzing and capturing the details of the records of your preferred township or parish. Check our inventory of records of townships/parishes
to be analyzed soon or other available documents.

The luxroots genealogy group is your genealogy partner in Luxembourg and offers to help in your researchp.s. our next newsletter will be sent on Thursday, August 27th, 2015.

Statistiques - luxroots CHARITY - our calendar - our flashback - Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots on facebook - Twitter and myWort - Contacts for Research
The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.
luxroots.club asbl - your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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