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Newsletter October 2018
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Working together on genealogy for the future

The Genealogy Center for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
and for the neighboring regions in Belgium and Germany

now with the details of 1,845,000 records

Our October 2018 newsletter with the following topics: (our newsletters of the last 12 months)
- luxroots comes to you
- Finished data input during the current month
- luxroots publishes your Gedcom file for free
- Be a luxroots associate!
- myluxroots transactions
- luxroots brochure
- Invitation to the general meeting of luxroots.club asbl
- Contacts for your searches
- The Luxembourg Nationality
- Need help?
- luxroots interview in radio 100k7
- new publications
- Further events; exhibitions, information meetings
- luxroots-calendar about the genealogy meetings and events

Dear subscribers, dear visitors of our websites, dear friends

luxroots is progressing well and will soon reach 1.5 million birth and baptism records entered with their main details. Here is a geographical distribution of this entry.
Stat luxroots 20180920

The general meeting of the luxroots.club asbl will take place on October 23th, 2018 at 7:30pm at the Centre Nicolas Braun in Hesperange. All members are welcome. Program of this meeting.
A donation of € 1.600 will be done to the association
ALAN asbl from our luxroots Charity program

We come to you to help you find your ancestors
September 25th at 7:30pm in Hesperange at the Centre Nicolas Braun: How to start my family research?
September 28th at 8pm in Lamadelaine (Pétange) in the Geschichtshaus: Family search is easy with luxroots.com
September 30th from 10am to 7pm at the Kropemannsfest in Redange
October, 6th and 7th at the Genealogical Days of Luxembourg and the Greater Region in Hesperange (CELO)
October 11th at 3pm and at 7pm at the Senior Club in Mondercange: Family research is easy with luxroots.com
October 21st from 10am to 7pm at Schëtter Nössmaart
October 21st from 10am to 6pm at the meeting of history circles in Martelange
November 9th at 3pm and at 7pm at the Senior Club in Hupperdange: Family search is easy with luxroots.com
November 11th from 11am to 5pm at the HMC Bazaar in Ettelbruck
November 17th and 18th from 10am to 6pm at the Walfer Bicherdeeg
Learn more about genealogy in general and the luxroots projects in particular at our information booths & meetings.
Ask for your Din A3 form of a pedigree chart over 5 generations.

Our volunteers finished the following data input during the current month:
3,003 births 1824-1912
Bonnert (Arlon) by Norbert LENERS

167 baptisms 1682-1691
Eschdorf by Ramona LINCK-GAMBUCCI
4,116 baptisms 1669-1797
Hollerich by Diane KREMER
3,918 baptisms 1630-1796
Luxembourg-Saint-Jean by Josée and Richard OSTER-RASQUIN

103 marriages 1716-1737, 1757-1796
Bettange-sur-Mess by Josée and Richard OSTER-RASQUIN
24 marriages 1779-1796
Limpach by Josée and Richard OSTER-RASQUIN
73 marriages 1779-1797
Reckange-sur-Mess by Josée and Richard OSTER-RASQUIN
342 marriages 1732-1797
Septfontaines by Ferd KOEUNE

672 marriages 1840-1912
Bonnert (Arlon) by Josette TOMPERS
185 marriages 1797-1839
Heffingen by Fernand HERMES-METZ
457 marriages 1798-1839
Hobscheid by Pol HORNICK
56 marriages 1797-1823
Machtum by Lydie EHLERINGER
163 marriages 1797-1839
Rodenbourg by Lydie EHLERINGER
544 marriages 1797-1839
Wormeldange by Lydie EHLERINGER

1,674 deaths 1860-1923
Lenningen by Marc PLETSCHET
649 deaths 1813-1860
Wallendorf by Agnès SERRES-HEINEN
Which associate is currently working on what ?

Our website igenealogy.lu, where you can publish your GEDCOM file for free, now holds 100 trees with 293,000 people after adding the files of Paulette GRUN-BESCH, Paul DAHM and Jean Pierre FERRAND. Give us yours and we will publish it for free on this site.
NEW: If your Gedcom file (containing 2,000 people or more) has not or will not be published on another website in Luxembourg, we will credit your account with
1,000 myluxroots points.

Please take good notice of the luxroots-interview on radio 100,7

Let us build together the genealogy tree of Luxembourg! luxroots is the genealogical association in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg whose volunteers do not work on personal databases, but enter data online directly to the non-profit luxroots-database.
That's why working together makes us so powerful. If you are able to analyze records of civil registers or even of parish registers, and you want to be part of a dynamic team of volunteers as part of the cross-border and non-profit project, please contact us!
You do not need to go to townships or to archives. luxroots makes available to its associates the pictures of the records of a certain township/parish free of charge which they plan to analyze and enter the details in the luxroots-database.
Do not hesitate to participate in this great puzzle of genealogy of Luxembourg by analyzing and capturing the details of the records of your preferred township or parish. Check our inventory of records of townships/parishes
to be analyzed soon or other available documents.

For your searches, you do not need to have a special genealogy program, neither free nor paid. Through the myluxroots transactions, more than 400 subscribers and associates have already entered their recent family members to luxroots linking them to the ancestors already entered earlier by our volunteers. If you add 7 family members (1924-2017) in our database, it is possible to get a pedigree chart with 1,000 ancestors (10 generations), and this in 10 minutes, not to mention the ability to create lists of descendants of these ancestors instantly. In Luxembourg, you will find nothing comparable to our project and for this reason, please help us to assemble the large Grand Duchy of Luxembourg genealogy puzzle and the neighboring regions. Check the pedigree charts of Christiane, Hortense, Paulette and Serge. Do the same, we will support you!
How to link a death notice I found on eluxemburgensia.lu with the record of the deceased person in luxroots? See our Demo-Video. (We suggest to open the video with the Firefox Browser.)
the list of the last uploaded pictures by our subscribers and volunteers!
If you are not yet a luxroots-subscriber,
join them now!

Sunday, September 30th, 2018 from 9:30am, Marche de la pomme gourmande in Hoffelt

Contact other luxroots users in order to work together on a common family name. 4,400 luxroots users have already given their consent.

Our next newsletter will be sent on Wednesday, October 31st, 2018.

Statistics - luxroots CHARITY - our calendar - our flashback - Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots on facebook - Twitter and myWort - Contacts for Research
The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.
luxroots.club asbl - your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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