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Newsletter December 2013
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Working together on genealogy for the future, that is the motto of the luxroots group
This makes us one of the most successful providers of Luxembourgish genealogical data.
luxroots.com - roots.lu - généalogie.lu - igenealogy.lu - luxbooks.lu - Web Projects by eicher.lu
our subscriptions - myluxroots - - Contacts for Research - our newsletters - luxroots on facebook - Twitter and myWort - our associates - Statistics - our calendar - our flashback
The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities.

More and more people are interested in our genealogy project as we see with 12 new registrations per week. Although only a small portion of these visitors support the future development of this project by a subscription, we are happy that 19 new interested people have registered with a subscription during the three recent exhibitions: at the 4th day of history in Mamer, at the 19th Book Days in Walferdange and at the 9th Genealogy Days in Philippeville. A big thank you to the organizers for their warm welcome.

luxroots is today the most important Genealogy project in Luxembourg * due to team working and diligent commitment of the volunteering associates. The project is well progressing with analyzing and capturing details of more than 500 records per day so we hope to add an average of about 200,000 per year. This is only possible through team work around a single database on a remote server. Our associates are, in most cases, members of both Luxemburgish associations ALGH and luxracines like the manager of the luxroots project who is also a founding member of both aforementioned associations. We hope to convince some members of these genealogical associations to participate in this non-profit project. We certainly respect the work of each family or local researcher, but it is only the team work that makes it possible to reach the goal that all birth/baptism, marriage and death records for the period 1600 to 1923 are analyzed and entered into this single database .
By 2020, we expect to be able to offer ancestors tables or lists of descendants up to 10 generations on a mouse-click for any person being born, having married or having died in Luxembourg and neighboring regions.

Do not hesitate to participate in this great puzzle of genealogy of Luxembourg by analyzing and capturing the details of the records of your preferred township or parish. We are looking for people entering births in the cantons of Capellen, Grevenmacher, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and Remich as well as for the Belgian and German border regions.
In addition, some 200,000 baptisms are waiting to be deciphered to enter details of these records. If you know Latin, we need you!
Contact us!

The genealogy group luxroots is at your service with an information desk:

During the month of November 2013, the luxroots.com associates finished the following data input:
2,357 births 1797-1914 of the former township of
Olmscheid by Agnès and Armand SERRES-HEINEN
2,048 births 1814-1914 of the former township of
Nusbaum by Agnès and Armand SERRES-HEINEN
3,494 baptisms 1695-1799 of the parish of
Munshausen by Christiane KRIER-PETERS
686 marriages 1840-1923 of the township of
Waldbillig by Myriam WEIS-ZIEWERS
654 marriages 1796-1912 of the former township of
Longlier by Joel SCHMIT
1,832 deaths 1870-1930 of the former township of
Perlé by Ferd KOEUNE.
Which associate is currently working on what ?

www.igenealogy.lu, we added a file with 33 persons, transmitted by Philippe COSTE. This database now holds 67 family genealogies with a total of 145,000 persons.

Have you already checked our database about the Luxembourgers, soldiers of France 1792-1815, if not, continue
here to see details of more than 5.000 soldiers !

On our website
www.roots.lu, the website with details of records of the 17th and 18th centuries, 1,000,000 persons (children, fathers, mothers, husbands, spouses, godfathers and -mothers, ...) are indexed so they can be looked through with our search engines.

Contact other luxroots users in order to work together on a common family name. More than 1,900 luxroots users have already given their consent.

myluxroots, our application suite has been developed to enable you to add your recent family members born from 1895 to today, to link them to those already entered in our database, and thus obtain a pedigree chart for the people you entered. (Please note that people born until 1923 are often entered in our database on basis of information from the National Archives and that the people born after y (y=actual year-100) are not shown.)
The subscriber can add studies, jobs, functions, addresses, other information, pictures and links to all the records. The subscriber, enriching the database luxroots, earns myluxroots points. These points can be used to build pedigree charts and/or lists of descendants for people in the database already linked by marriage.
If you need further help, don't hesitate to contact us by
mail, phone (00352) 2799 4713 or skype: eicherg (Enter 'luxroots' in the information field in order to get a new contact.)

As you know it already, all our subscriptions are limited in time and in volume in order to avoid professionals (searching for heirs, holders of other websites or databases, ...) and thus allow our server to respond quickly to requests from family researchers.
If you reach this volume limit, you can now
use your myluxroots points in order to decrease the volume counter. (These myluxroots points are offered with the EXTENDED subscriptions, obtained when adding information to our database or by buying further points.

Check our
statistics TOP-100 as well as our updated inventory.

If not yet done,
support the luxroots project with one of the proposed memberships in order to search within the most important genealogical datebases of Luxembourg.

We added an article (in German), transmitted by our subscriber Albert DIMMER, about the DIEMER/DIMMER family:
Niederländische DIMMER im Dienste des Hauses Oranien-Nassau

Our library To help our subscribers and associates in their work and genealogical research, we began to acquire genealogical documents of Luxembourg and the neighboring region. With this link, you will find a list of these documents. Provided that you have a search to do within one of these documents, please send your request by mail!

Are you looking for a book on genealogy and/or local history or do you have such a book to sell ? Then go to
luxbooks.lu, the virtual marketplace for luxemburgensia, Genealogy, Local History,?
and make an offer to sell or buy this book. Currently, the following books are offered for sale or looked for by our users. With the help of our bookshelf with more than 900 books, you can easily manage your personal library!

Save your genealogy research to igenealogy.lu. This website has been created specifically to publish your genealogical search results (as GEDCOM file) free of charge.
Share your searches with the world and attach your GEDCOM file in ANSI format to
your message to us !

No monthly meeting has been planned. Therefore, if you have questions, do not hesitate to send them
by message!

p.s. our next newsletter will be sent on Friday, December 20th, 2013.

*A similar project has been started, 25 years ago, by the members of the ALGH about the marriages before 1800 and the results thereof can be looked at their library in Mersch.
An other common work ist the census 1766 for the decanats of Bastogne, Mersch, Ouffet and Stavelot done during 2005-2008 done by the roots.lu group.

keeping the past alive, with luxroots
Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots - Your partner in genealogy for Luxembourg

p.s. You are receiving this information because of your registration to our website. You can stop receiving this information by updating your profile. (Put the value of the respective field to NO and confirm this action.)

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