Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





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Details of one million records in luxroots
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Working together on genealogy for the future, that is the motto of the luxroots group
This makes us one of the most successful providers of Luxembourgish genealogical data. - - - - Web Projects by
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The quality of our information and the satisfaction of our subscribers and visitors are our priorities. asbl - your Genealogy Club in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Dear friends and visitors of our websites

Today, December 8th, 2014, we exceed the analysis and entrance of details of a million records. It is unique in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to find so much genealogical information in a single database . And we're not even halfway, we assume, we have realized a third of our goal.
The luxroots team only works on copies of documents. For this reason, 99.6% of people entered on luxroots have complete data, which means that luxroots shows the full name, date and place of birth, parents and godfathers/godmothers or witnesses while for other sites and books only first- and lastnames are available for at least 20% of the people.

You can imagine the work that lies behind this achievement of the luxroots volunteer team.
Let's make a little calculation to estimate the economic value of this work. To analyze a birth certificate and to enter its details, we need 3 to 6 minutes; for death, 5 to 10 minutes; for a wedding, 10 to 20 minutes. Let's take an average of 6 minutes per record, so 6 million minutes.
With a minimum salary on Luxembourg of € 0.20 per minute, the economic value of the luxroots project is already very important, excluding the investment in time to take pictures of the records, developing our websites and related costs (server, exhibitions, ...)

This score is a good opportunity to thank all our associates for their work during the past 10 years. On the basis of a daily (7/7) entry of 575 records achieved during the current year (more than 200,000 records per year), we expect to complete this ambitious project by 2025.
Without the financial support from our subscribers, the luxroots project would not have known this remarkable growth. We thank them and we offer them as a little gift - our PDF lists with families names with a special discount of 30% which will be added to the 10% discount given as a member of our association until end of this year.
The documents for a special family name include in chronological order details of baptisms / births of persons with this name and registered in the luxroots database.
Check the
list of available names as well as specimen list (the STEINFORT family name)

Today, more than 600 users support the luxroots project! If you are not yet among these people,
join them now!

You want more information about genealogy in general or on the luxroots projects in particular, then participate in our workshops:
Tuesdays, December 16th, 2014, January 20th and February 24th, 2015 from 2 to 5pm,
at a room in the Primary School in Howald (in front of the church).

The topics of the workshops: how to search on our websites; how to add information to luxroots; how to scan a photo, funeral notice, how to upload the scan to the luxroots website; how does a associate work; computer tricks; FAQ; etc.
Take your laptop and/or participate on the large screen.

Visit us on the
Day of Genealogy and local History in the Dreiländereck (Belgium-Germany-Luxembourg)
at the ClubHaus Op der Heed in Hupperdange (Clervaux) on January 17th, 2015 from 10am to 4 pm. No entry fee.
Conferences: 10.30am: how to start genealogy and at 2pm: Genealogy with the Internet (in Luxembourgish)

Notre associé Joseph LEONARD nous rend attentif à la parution du livre de son ami Georges BENOÎT:

La Renaissance en terre de Salm
Sommaire sous ce lien

Un cadeau original pour les fêtes de fin d’année.
Disponible dès samedi, 6 décembre 2014, Galerie du Vieux-Marché au salon de coiffure.
380 pages A4, couverture réalisée par Simon Bomboir
Impression : Imprimerie Winandy Ă  Trois-Ponts
euros 48.- + frais d'envoi.
Commande via notre associé Joseph LEONARD

Georges Benoit, salmien d’origine, est l’auteur de dizaines d’articles publiés depuis plus de vingt ans dans des revues d’histoire telles que Glain et Salm, Haute Ardenne ou Segnia. La Renaissance en terre de Salm fait le point sur une période peu étudiée pour le nord Luxembourg. L’étude s’articule autour des comtes de Salm, dont Werner (1545-1629) fut le plus éminent représentant. Elle lève un coin du voile sur sa vie, sa carrière militaire et diplomatique, la lutte qu’il mena pour conserver le château et la ville de Bedburg (Allemagne), sa souveraineté sur le comté ardennais de Salm, les procès qu’il dut soutenir contre ses sujets, etc.Les biens et seigneuries des Salm-Reifferscheidt passés en revue sont situés dans les communes belges de Bertogne, Burg-Reuland, Durbuy, Gouvy, Houffalize, Lierneux, Saint-Vith, Sainte-Ode, Vielsalm, et dans la commune luxembourgeoise de Troisvierges.Les relations entre le comté de Salm et la principauté de Stavelot-Malmedy sont également examinées. Pour la première fois le lecteur pourra se faire une idée des nombreux bâtiments composant le château de Salm, des vastes campagnes de constructions de 1620 et du faste de la cour. Les diverses photographies de pierres tombales seigneuriales permettent d’admirer le raffinement des costumes. L’aspect héraldique n’est pas négligé.À l’opposé, la dure vie de labeur des paysans, les coutumes, sont abordées sur fond de guerres de religion et de bûchers aux sorcières.
Stéphanie Heyden, échevine de l’enseignement à Vielsalm

BLOG Vielsalm par Georges BENOĂŽT

p.s. our next newsletter will be sent on Friday, December 19th, 2014.

keeping the past alive, with luxroots
Everything you need to know about the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
luxroots - Your partner in genealogy for Luxembourg

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